July 3, 2024

space for magic


Due to our small group and work commitments, only 2 people showed up to our regular this. group call.

But we used the time anyway and sat, talked and worked our way through their business problems.

About 45 mins in it became clear to everyone in the room (all 3 of us) that they were the answers to each other's problems.

In the next 15 mins, we brokered a revenue share in principle, a working agreement and the start of a plan that looks like it will generate an extra 270k in revenue to share between the 2 companies.

What an incredible outcome!

A few things to consider.

First, these are both 1-person businesses at the moment. That kind of revenue therefore is truly life-changing.

Second, I'm aware that this does not happen every week. It's no guarantee that being in the group will deliver this kind of outcome but I'm confident I'm building the environment where magic like this can happen.

Finally, and probably most importantly, there is a long way to go. A solid idea is one thing. An inkling of a plan is one thing. Working hard, staying focused and getting all the pieces in play and working is another.

A great start but a long journey ahead.

Fortunately, they have this. for the journey.

I wonder what tonight's this. call will hold.


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this. is an extract from 'make your Mark' a collection of 100 lessons learned from 5 years of building creative businesses.

short, simple and valuable.signed and numbered.if you are doing the brave work of building something for yourself, this edition is for you.
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